
 Puppet Shows


A vital part of the Early Childhood experience at Emerson Waldorf School is the use of puppetry to tell a story. The puppets are handmade by the teachers using soft natural materials such as wool, silk, and cotton and are presented using the simplest of archetypal gestures.  The magic for the viewer, both young and old, lies in the beautiful atmosphere that surrounds the story, which is held with complete reverence and respect.


The Holiday Faire offers a wonderful opportunity to receive this gift of puppetry from our talented community. The Early Childhood teachers will present the story, “The Snake Chief.” The performances will be at 11 am, 12:30 pm, and 1:30 pm in the Music Room.

The second puppet show, “Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox”, by Violet Child-Lanning, will be presented in the Strings Room near to the Music Room at 11:45 am & 2:15 pm.

Puppet show tickets will be available for purchase at the main entrance ticket table. Seating is limited.
